Wk 3 Pt A
Visually, this website is all over the place. The top of the page has their logo and the website menu but every page is completely different with no repetition. I could not get a grip on what their brand is or even what they specialize in. The gallery page was a lot of small, square photos. I think it would be easier to see and more visually appealing to have some of the photos in a larger size with a description typed next to it. This would add a sense of "Hierarchy" to the page. The twitter link seems to be a link to one of the owners personal account. Not really any information or salon relevant tweets.
This website may have been professionally done but it was probably a long time ago. I am leaning towards believing that it was not professionally done because it is pretty basic. All important information was there but the website just did not get me excited to visit the business. Maybe some bolder color choices or updated photos would make it better.
If I were to make any changes to this site one would be to add a "return to top" button on the side to easily get back to the menu. It is annoying for the user to keep having to scroll back to the top every time they want to view a new page. Another suggestion would be to make clickable links on the products page. Every potential client may not know what brands you carry so show them the websites. Lastly, the headlines could be bolder to really let the viewer know what they are looking at.
Where do I even begin with this website?? It looks like a good company that does quality work but the website is so incredibly busy, my eyes didn't know where to go first. The sidebar menu has 12 page links, each with several sub-page links. I had to scroll 3 times to get to the end of the menu. I do have a small laptop that I am working on but I can usually read a website without having to scroll all the way in. Not here, I had to read the site in sections so I could zoom all the way in to see it.
There is so much detail on this site, I am led to believe it was professionally done. Unless the owner had knowledge of simple web design I don't know how they would have been able to get this done.
Here is what I would suggest to make this website more user friendly. I would first streamline the menu. Only the important page links in black would be visible with the red links in a dropdown menu when hovered over. This would make the menu less overwhelming. It looks like there are two menus on the front page. I would change that, it is too confusing. Then I would change the color scheme to be easier on the eyes. There are too many bold colors on top of each other and the background is distracting too.
When I first clicked on this website I thought it looked so weird. But after reading through it I think if I was in the market for juice for my childcare, I would buy Penny Juice. The website is clear about their mission and makes it very easy to purchase the product. The colors are bold but go well together and they font is a good size.
I think this website is professionally done. The alignment is good on all pages and sections. They used good contrast and repetition. The entire site is easy to navigate too.
The design is a little generic but the product is juice for kids so it makes sense that the design would be simple. The colors are like the colors of the juices they sell and I like that.
Of course Apple would make a great website. I really appreciate how the menu stays put as you scroll down the page. Moving on to a different page is always easy. There is a site map at the bottom of the page for easier navigation as well. Color contrast, alignment and proximity are all perfect.
Apple.com is obviously a professional website. Everything about it is well thought-out and appealing in every way.
The clean aesthetic and bright colors would make most consumers wanting to buy everything. Apple is consistent and that's what keeps people coming back for more. Their website is a perfect representation of that consistency.
I think it's interesting how so many of us see these websites differently. I think the only one everyone agrees on consistently is Apple. They really have a knack for creating a exceptional website and consumer experience. Oh, and Gates and Fences as one of the less desirable sites...most of us agreed on that:)