Week1:My first blog post

I like clean and simple designs. When I visit a website or blog I want to be able to navigate without a lot of distracting images. I chose the theme for my blog because it is simply and pretty but non-specifc. I want to write about a variety of subjects and don't want to be tied down to one topic.


This theme is similar to my salon decor. I prefer white or light backgrounds so unwanted colors are not reflected in my work. I have a small one chair hair studio in San Diego, Ca. where I visit with my clients.  When we are together we talk about hair, of course, but they often rely on me for advice and referrals to other businesses. Over the years I have advised men and women on matters unrelated to their hair such as my favorite MedSpa services, fashion, gardening, cooking, health and exercise, infertility, home DIY projects and home decor. I am certainly not an expert on any of these subjects but I like to give my experience if it can help anyone. I did not want to chose a theme that was makeup or beauty related because I did not want to be limited.


I have many interests but my main focus is hair. Offering solutions to hair problems is the main focus of my business. A beautiful new color or cut will only get you so far, products and tools are what will give you the style you are looking for on a daily basis. I have never blogged before but I believe that putting my ideas and recommendations in writing will be a useful tool for my business. 

I think most social media platforms can be used for either business or personal depending on the type of business. Facebook and Instagram seem to be the best for my business. My clients are all ages so I use both to post pictures of my recent work and any announcements. I have noticed that my older clientele engage with me more on Facebook while my younger or more social clients are on Instagram. This isn't always the case but I like using both to reach as many people as I can. 


I use Pinterest for my personal inspiration but I think it is a good platform for businesses to show their work and give advice etc. I think businesses also can use LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok and Youtube. Again, it really depends on the business but I can see a hair salon or stylist benefiting from them all. 


The only platform I do not think would be good for my business is Snapchat but I honestly don't know very much about it. 







  1. Choosing a simple theme in order to make your blog post the main focus and a reflection to your salon is a great idea. I also liked your point on being able to write about whatever you want opposed to being tied down to a specific subject.

  2. Hi Casey, your clean blog will be nice to not compete when you add photos with color so the subject will stand out. Also, it will be nice to get to know many aspects of what you want to discuss so it doesn’t appear to be self-serving for your salon. Looking forward to getting to know who you are!

  3. Your theme is very nice and subtle which is great and gives focus on the words instead of distracting colors. I also have a basic theme because it's nice on the eyes and simple to navigate for users. It is also good that you are diverse in which social media platforms you use because from a business standpoint it's important to get as many people looking at your business as possible.

  4. Casey, I thought your background was bright and had an artistic feeling to it. After reading your blog, I could imagine how that tied to the creative side if your work. I thought it was interesting how you specifically chose to make certain parts of your theme neutral so that viewers/ readers wouldn't make assumptions about your blog. For your social media piece, I appreciate how you noted on which social media platforms you could reach specific types of clients and appreciate that you're trying to reach multiple groups. It sounds like everyone is welcome at your salon!

  5. Hey Casey! I love how clean your blog is. The header image of glitter is subtle but is the perfect amount of extra something for someone looking to have a clean blog. Super cute!

  6. Hi Casey,

    There an old adage that we used in the music business which I think transfers well to most things artistic called K.I.S.S. or keep it simple stupid. It is much different than the theme for your business site.

    The clean simple layout makes it very easy to read and any images or videos of your hairstyles will not be competing with the background which is much better for the reader.

    I tried to find you on Facebook to see what you post but wasn't successful until I found your middle name.

    You should post all kinds of content on your blog and in the blog section of your website. Talking about lifestyle subjects will bring people back to you who may or may not be your customers now but are likely to turn into one. It is great that you like to share your thoughts on so many different subjects most of which are someway related to your business.

    Looking forward to your future posts. Take care and stay healthy.


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